Monday, November 26, 2007

Featured online resource: CVA

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum

"In 2000 the International Committee of CVA asked the Beazley Archive to prepare a feasibility study for the digitisation of out of print fascicules, approximately 250 for the web. Later that year the Union Académique Internationale formally invited the Beazley Archive to undertake the project. In 2001 The Getty Grant Program awarded £75,000 for a three-year project to be carried out in Oxf ord.The CVA project, to digitise these fascicules began in 2002 and ended in September 2004. The project is on-going; new fascicules are being published and participating museums have the opportunity to contribute to the on-line database"

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Ancient West & East online

Following its move from Brill to Peeters, Ancient West & East is online beginning with volume 6 (2007) Volume dedicated to Professor Sir John Boardman to celebrate his 80th birthday. This is not an open access jounrnal, and is therefore accesssible only within the domains of the ASCSA or another subscribing institution.

New online journal: Groma

A new journal, Groma, volume 1 (2007) appears to have the full - and enhanced - text of its innaugual issue available online

"The main topics of the first number of the journal are:- the synthesis of the international workshops “L’Adriatico, un ponte d’acqua”, and “New Researches in Suothern Albania”, held in Acquaviva Picena; during the workshops were presented significant research projects in Marche region (central Italy), Croatia and in southern Albania (Phoinike, Butrint);- contributions about the on-field experiences of the Archaeological Survey Laboratory (Department of Archaeology, University of Bologna) held in Acquaviva Picena but also in other archaeological contexts where the same methods were successfully tested."

The Blegen Library is in the process of acquiring the paper version of the journal.

The journal's repository includes an RSS feed.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thanksgiving Hours

The Blegen Library will be closed to visitors on
Thursday, November 22nd
Friday, November 23rd
in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday.

Friday, November 16, 2007

The American School from the air, early November 2007

The main reading room of the Blegen Library, November 2007

Two recent photographs taken by Nikos Daniilides

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Library, 1902

Courtesy of the Archives, ASCSA

Dyabola update

Biering & Brinkmann have announced a major addition of material (about five thousand new titles) to the Dyabola database. Access to Dyabola is restricted. Users of the ASCSA libraries can get the code from the Blegen offices.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Newly available eJournals

Friday, November 02, 2007

Blegen Library Acquisitions, October 2007

The Blegen Acquisitions List for October 2007 is now complete and closed. 109 volumes were catalogued.

For links to all recent Acquisitions Lists, see Newly Catalogued Books.

New from JSTOR

Arabica 1 (1954) - Five Year Moving Wall
Forschungen und Berichte 1 (1957) - 31 (1991)
Iran & the Caucasus 1 (1997) - Five Year Moving Wall
Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen 1 (1950) - Five Year Moving Wall
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volumes 1 (1918) - Five Year Moving Wall
Rhetoric Society Quarterly 6 (1976) - Five Year Moving Wall

Many other perodicals are newly in JSTOR of have been ubdated. See the October 2007 JSTOR Holdings Update for further information.

JSTOR is accessible within the ASCSA domanis, and via the proxy server for members and staff of the ASCSA.