Monday, December 17, 2007

EBSCOHost Electronic Journals Service

EBSCOHost Electronic Journals Service is now available in the ASCSA domains. This product allows federated searching of the online versions of the suite of journals the Blegen library subscribes to via EBSCO. At the moment this includes twenty-nine titles. Use the Browse Journals function to see the full list of titles, or search across the database in a variety of other ways.

Titles available include:

American Historical Review
American Journal of Philology
Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia
Ancient Society
Cambridge Archaeological Journal
Classical Antiquity
Classical Philology
The Classical Quarterly
The Classical Review
Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites
Current Anthropology
European Journal of Archaeology
Greece and Rome
International Journal of Nautical Archaeology (Blackwell Publishing Ltd)
International Journal of Nautical Archaeology (Elsevier Science)
Iranica Antiqua
Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions
Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology
Journal of Near Eastern Studies
Journal of Social Archaeology
Oxford Journal of Archaeology
Revue de L'Histoire des Religions
Symbolae Osloenses
World Archaeology

Friday, December 14, 2007

Two More Newly accessible online journals

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Newly accessible online journal

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Do you see something in the Blegen Library in need of repair?

If you see something in the Blegen Library in need of repair (lights not working, worless network problems, computers malfunctioning, WCs in need of service or repair, or anything else), please bring it to the attention of the a member of the library staff.

You may also send an e-mail to: AscsaMaintenance at

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Newly accessible open access journal

Medieval Archaeology
All sixty volumes are now available open access courtesy of ADS.

Blegen Library Acquisitions, November 2007

The Blegen Acquisitions List for November 2007 is now complete and closed. 137 volumes were catalogued.

For links to all recent Acquisitions Lists, see Newly Catalogued Books.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Holiday absences

As the holiday season approaches, users of the Blegen Library are reminded that they are required to reshelve all the books they have checked out to their seat if they will be away for more than one week.

Quoting from the Blegen Library Rules:

Signing out books to tables and carrels: No book should ever be removed from a shelf unless a sign-out card is completely and legibly filled out and put in place of the book. Sign-out cards are available at the ends of the stacks. Cards already on the shelves must not be removed from their places.

Failure to check out books properly may result in forfeiture of library privileges.

Members may sign out up to 20 books at a time to a carrel or table. Books may be checked out from a member’s carrel for up to a day by placing a sign-out card in place of the book. Please return the book to the carrel the same day. Members are requested to keep their books upright between bookends to facilitate locating them on the desk. Members and staff are requested to reshelve their books if they will be away from the library for more than one week.

Your cooperation and adherence to these rules is essential to the smooth operation of the Library.

Thank you.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Newly accessible open access journal

Librarians at Work